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Bowie General > Bowie talking about divas...

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kanishknisharPosted at 2021-05-03 05:59:13(156 wks ago) (Bowie General / Bowie talking about divas...)

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I am hearing Bowie's 29th May 2004 concert. After David has sung Bewlay Brothers, he starts talking about divas and fetishizes them too by bringing up Callas confusingly enough (would've thought him to be much smarter than that) and then starts talking about how Jessica Simpsons isn't one...

I... What's going? Why is David talking about divas out of nowhere? Why does he care for Jessica Simpson? I thougt he didn't bother with gossip or talking about other stars.

The worst part seems to be the pandering by talking about REAL divas (as if that were a good thing) and the audience cheering.

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zigster123DonatedPosted at 2021-05-03 06:57:23(156 wks ago) (Bowie General / Bowie talking about divas...)

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I think what he basically meant is that diva's who don't act like diva's are the real diva's while attention whores like Jessica Simpson never will be a diva.

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BallhausDonatedPosted at 2021-05-04 08:24:36(156 wks ago) (Bowie General / Bowie talking about divas...)

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I've said loads of stupid things in my lifetime. If some of these by accident was recorded, I hope my friends and family will have the sense to let them rest

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ramoanaPosted at 2021-05-04 15:21:23(156 wks ago) (Bowie General / Bowie talking about divas...)

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I was there both nights in Atlantic City, VH1 Divas show had just aired the week before...and Bowie was spot on!  they were not Divas!


Diva speech on my soundcloud, with one of my photos - https://soundcloud.com/ramoana/diva-speech

"If it itches, play it."
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interplayDonatedPosted at 2021-05-04 15:48:43(156 wks ago) (Bowie General / Bowie talking about divas...)

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ramoana wrote:

I was there both nights in Atlantic City, VH1 Divas show had just aired the week before...and Bowie was spot on!  they were not Divas!

Good times!
Those were some of my favorite memories. I was so glad I was able to record them and be there in person too! I think he was prompted by some "Celeb" or "Model" in the crowd. There were quite a few showing up in those NYC area Reality gigs.

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bowiebingoPosted at 2021-05-04 16:40:51(156 wks ago) (Bowie General / Bowie talking about divas...)

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Interesting term, isn't it?  Clearly zigster123 (for all his aberrant apostrophes) sees it as aspirational: that a diva is chic and a real star.  In the UK, however, it's become a much more derogatory term (perhaps with the exception of the drag community) as a bit of a spoilt brat.  The classic diva behaviour is probably Censored Censored declaring 'I don't do stairs'.  Wonder which Bowie was alluding to...

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bowiebingoPosted at 2021-05-04 16:41:16(156 wks ago) (Bowie General / Bowie talking about divas...)

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OFFS.  Ma-rye-uh Care-ee

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kanishknisharPosted at 2021-05-09 11:20:03(155 wks ago) (Bowie General / Bowie talking about divas...)

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ramoana wrote:

I was there both nights in Atlantic City, VH1 Divas show had just aired the week before...and Bowie was spot on!  they were not Divas!https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0409423/Diva speech on my soundcloud, with one of my photos - https://soundcloud.com/ramoana/diva-speech

Are we really romanticizing divas as being good? And somehow Jessica Simpson is bad at it? This is absurd...

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kanishknisharPosted at 2021-05-09 11:23:18(155 wks ago) (Bowie General / Bowie talking about divas...)

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ramoana wrote:

I was there both nights in Atlantic City, VH1 Divas show had just aired the week before...and Bowie was spot on!  they were not Divas!https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0409423/Diva speech on my soundcloud, with one of my photos - https://soundcloud.com/ramoana/diva-speech

What source did you use? The concert sounds fantastic.

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